Opening my eyes I found myself in a room on the bed naked under the sheets.
I grabbed my phone from the side and saw it was 10 am. I probably should get up. I have a case to win.
I get down from the bed and wear my clothes which were scattered around the room. While setting my hair I heard.
"è stata una bella scopata" I glanced at the man who I had a sex with.
(It was a good fuck)
"Forse possiamo divertirci ancora un po', che ne dici?"
(Maybe we can have some more fun what say ?)
"Non ripeto di farlo con la stessa persona"I said and grabbed some money and put on the table and started to walk towards the door.
(I don't repeat doing it with the same person)
"Oh comune, so che ti è piaciuto moltissimo il mio cazzo ieri sera."I halted then turn around and started to walk towards the fucker. The fucker smiled. I bend down to his level and whispered in his ear.
(Oh common on I know you enjoy my dick last night very much).
"Il tuo cazzo non era così grande da poter soddisfare il mio desiderio. quindi non volare alto. Ho dei cazzi migliori nella mia figa e mi sono divertito moltissimo."
(Your dick wasn't that big that can fulfill my desire. so don't fly high. I have better dicks inside my pussy that I enjoyed very much.)
I stood straight and smirked form on my face when I see the fucker's red face. Then I walked out from the room. Sit in the car and drove to the house. After 30 mins of drive I reached. I parked the car and throw the keys to the guard and walked inside.
I moved and I hear sounds coming from the kitchen so I walked there only to see my brother and sister fighting for a pizza. Again.
"cosa sta succedendo qui ?" I loudly said and they both flinched and jerked their faces towards me.
(What is happening here ?")
"Sorella maggiore, tu?"I raised my eyebrow at the pizza piece which they both were holding from each side.
(Big sister you ?)
Emma suddenly left the pizza and Andrew fall back on his butt with the pizza wasting on the ground.
"Non ti avevo detto di non mangiare la pizza a colazione?" I said as I crossed my arms around my breast.
(Didn't I told you not to eat pizza as in breakfast ?)
"Sorella, giuro che non volevo comprare, avevo fame e questo non serviva a niente, nostro fratello non voleva cucinare la mattina, quindi ha suggerito di ordinare la pizza e di mangiarla prima di venire" Emma said innocently.
(Sis I swear I didn't want to but I was hungry and this good for nothing our brother didn't want to cook in the morning so he suggested ordering pizza and eating before you come)
But I better knew not to believe in those innocent faces. They will betray you with that same innocent face.
Andrew stood up and shouted. "Come osi mentire in quel modo? Sorella maggiore, sta mentendo. Voleva mangiare la pizza per questo mi ha costretto a ordinare la pizza anche quando le dicevo che ci avresti sgridato ma lei non mi ha ascoltato."
(How dare you lie like that ? Big sister she is lying. She wanted to eat pizza that's why she forced me to order pizza even when I was telling her that you would scold us but she didn't listen to me)
I shaked my head on their stupid antics. "Till I get ready and come downstairs I want my kitchen to be cleaned, understood ?" I said coldly and they immediately started to clean the mess they had created.
I walked upstairs to my room. Throwing my bag away and putting my phone on charging I strip myself and get inside the warm shower. I cleaned myself and wrap a white robe around my body.
I dried my hair and styled them in a bun then wear my lawyer uniform. I put on some makeup and nude lipstick. I clasped my high heels and I was ready.
I took my essentials and coat and walked downstairs. I saw Emma and Andrew laying like a sloth on the couch. I ignored them and walked inside the kitchen I started to make myself something light for breakfast. I hate to go empty stomach to court. I have to speak so I need energy for that.
I warm the pan and crack a egg on it and throw the shells in the dustbin. Emma and Andrew walked in and sit on the stools around the kitchen slab.
"Hm... sta arrivando un buon profumo, sorella" Andrew said.
( good smell is coming sis)
"non riceverai cibo perché hai già la pizza" I said as I sprinkle some peper and salt on the omlette. He whined & Emma giggled making him glare at her.
(you are not getting any food as you already have pizza)
"Between why are you both here at this time ? Don't you have college to attend ?" I asked. "My morning classes got cancelled, sorella" Emma answered. I nodded and looked at Andrew who gulped nervously and looked at me. I glared. "What did you do now ?"
(Big sister)
"Niente di serio. Ho appena fatto uno scherzo al mio professore di matematica perché mi ha insultato davanti a tutta la classe" Andrew voiced out his doings.
(Nothing serious. I just pulled a prank on my maths professor because he insulted me in front of the whole class)
"About what did he insulted you about ?" Emma asked.
"He talked about...Mom" My hands stilled in the middle of the cutting the omelette. "What did he speak about mom ?" I asked calmly.
"Ha detto che la mamma non è riuscita a crescere un buon figlio" I hummed and my hold on the knife tighten and I cut the omlette from middle in one slice.
(He said how mom failed to raise a good son)
Someone is goona replaced this omelette soon.
"What prank did you pulled ?" I asked as I pulled out fresh wine bottle from the cabinet and poured some in a glass.
"I destroyed his fav car which he adores like a son" Andrew answered. "Just that ?" Emma asked and I took a bit of omelette and took the glass of wine near my lips.
"No. I also send his wife a video where he was cheating with the female janitor and probably they must on the way to divorce" Andrew replied innocently. Emma gasped while I smirked and took a sip of wine. "Good"
But that's not enough for me.
I finished my omelette and drank my remaining wine and put the dishes in the basin. I will washed them once I return. I walked in to the living area and turn to look at my siblings.
"Andrew, voglio che tu frequenti le lezioni successive, è chiaro?" I said and he nodded.
(Andrew, I want you to attend your further classes am I clear ?)
"Emma, anche tu" I look at Emma and said.
(Emma you too)
"Non preoccuparti, sorella, lo farò"Emma said and I hummed and moved out from the house. The driver open the car for me and I sit inside. He started to drive the car to the court while I started to go through the case file.
(Don't worry sister I will)
After 25 mins drive I reached. I get down from the car and walked inside. I saw my client Mr. David standing there with his secretary probably waiting for me.
"Ciao. Signorina Chauhan, la stavo aspettando" Mr.David said as soon as I reached near him and offer his hand for a shake which I return the gesture.
(Hello. Miss Chauhan I was waiting for you)
"Spero che vincerai la mia causa e non mi deluderai, signorina Chauhan" Mr.David said. I removed my sunglasses as I looked at him with my blank but professional look.
(I hope you will win my case and won't disappoint me Miss Chauhan)
"Signor David, sono sicuro che un uomo d'affari come lei non verrà da me finché non sarà sicuro che io sia capace di vincere la sua causa."
(Mr.David I am sure that a business man like you won't come to me unless he is sure that I am capable of winning your case.)
"Inoltre non perdo mai una causa quindi è meglio non dubitare delle mie capacità. Lo apprezzerei"I said and walked inside the courtroom.
(Besides I never lose a case so you better not doubt on my skills. I would appreciate that)
Time Skip
"Secondo tutte le prove e le prove, il signor David ottiene la terra e non è costretto a condividere la sua proprietà con la sua ex moglie" The judge announced.
(As per all the proofs and evidence Mr.David gets the land and doesn't have to share his property with her his ex-wife)
A victory smirk as always played on my lips.
I always win no matter how fuck the case is.
I could definitely feel the glares of the opposite lawyer and his client who happened to be my client's ex-wife.
I packed my things once the judge left the courtroom and Mr.Morel, who was the opposite lawyer walked towards me.
"Devo dire che per un po' di soldi ha fatto del suo meglio per vincere questa causa, signorina Chauhan" He mocked.
(I must say that for a little money you did your best to win this case, Miss Chauhan)
A humorless chuckle left my lips. I turn towards him as I said.
"Signor Morel... intendi proprio come te? che è andato a letto con il tuo cliente per pochi dollari"
( mean just like you ? who slept with your client for a few bucks)
His face paled. "H-How do y-you know that ?" I smirked. "I have my sources Mr.Morel. So from next time keep your fucking mouth under control when you talked to me." I deadpaned.
If he thinks he can mocked me he is highly under delusional.
Mrs ex David strided towards me in anger and shouted.
"Come puoi farmi questo? Come donna avresti dovuto sostenere me, non il mio ex marito che è uno stronzo"
(How can you do this to me ? As a woman you should have supported me not my ex-husband who is an asshole)
"Ti definisci una donna che ha avuto molteplici relazioni mentre era sposata. Quindi dovresti definirti una puttana. Questo ti sta meglio" I said dryly and her eyes widen in shocked.
(You call yourself a woman who had multiple affairs while being in a marriage. So you should call yourself a whore. That suits you better)
Their both faces drained their colours as I mentioned their one dirty secrets. I walked away from them. I met Mr.David near my car.
"Grazie signorina Chauhan. Sono impressionato dai tuoi talenti. Sono felice di aver dato il mio caso nelle tue mani" He said with a grateful smile. I just nodded in return.
(Thank you Miss.Chauhan. I am impressed by your talents. I am glad that I gave my case in your hands)
"Il tuo pagamento verrà effettuato entro oggi. Stia sicura, signorina Chauhan" He exclaimed. I nodded and move inside my car and driver started to drive away.
(Your payment will be done by today. Rest assured Miss.Chauhan)
I took out my phone as I type a message to someone.
"Task for you. A man who works in ××× College and is a maths professor and teaches Andrew."
Just in next one min I got a reply.
"Assume the task is done."
One more message came. I rolled my eyes as I see read it.
"Anything for my babygirl."
I kept my phone away as I closed my eyes and leaned back on head seat.
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