Entering the warehouse I walked along corridor which lead me to the specific room.
I opened the door and a creak sound followed by. My eyes landed on the man who was tied up to the chair with the steel chains.
His uper cloth gone and his bruised skin was clearly seen even in the dim light of the dark room.
I glared at the person in the corner who was casually smoking while staring at me.
"I didn't tell you to beat him up."I said coldly.
"Ciao anche a te, piccola" (Hello to you too Babygirl) Alice said while walking towards me.
"Scusa, non scusa, ma mi prudevano le mani, quindi--" (Sorry not sorry but my hands were itching so--) Alice trailed off while pointing her blue eyes towards the bruised up unconscious man on the chair.
I sighed but nodded and walked up towards the table where all my instruments are kept.
"Cosa ha fatto, piccola? So che deve aver fatto qualcosa di imperdonabile, ecco perché è qui." (What did he do babygirl ? I know something unforgivable he must have done that's why he is here) Alice voiced out as she leaned back on the wall.
I hummed. "Egli fece. Ha insultato mio fratello menzionando mia madre" (He did. He insulted my brother by mentioning my mother) I said as I picked my instrument and stood infront of the unconscious maths professor.
"A**hole" Alice muttered behind me. My hands grabbed the cold water bucket and threw it on the man who woke up with a jerk.
"D-Dove s-sono ?" (W-Where am I-I ?) The professor mumbled and I threw the bucket to the corner with a force and he flinched hard before looking up to meet my cold eyes.
"Nel mio inferno.. Professore" (In my hell professor) I watched as he shivered. I wonder because of my chilly cold voice or the cold water which I threw on him. I will go with the former one.
"Signorina Chauhan... per favore perdonami. è stato un errore" (Miss.Chauhan please forgive me. It was a mistake) He cried out but it went to deaf ears.
"Allora dimmi professore, qual è il tuo lavoro?" (so tell me professor what's your job ?) I asked while walking around his chair in a circular motion.
He didn't said which made my blood boil and I smacked the hunter on the ground loudly and he flinched hardly.
"Non metta alla prova la mia pazienza professore, sono già di cattivo umore. Le conseguenze saranno gravi" (Don't test my patience professor I am already in a bad mood. The consequences will be gravely)
I was indeed in a bad mood after I fucking didn't get the handbag which I wanted for so long. I was pissed.
"Per favore lasciami. mi dispiace" (Please leave me. I am sorry) He cried out with hiccups and I closed my eyes in frustration.
I don't like when someone don't reply to my question.
"Can I reply instead of this fucker ? Babygirl." Alice said and I hummed.
"Il compito di un professore è insegnare ai suoi studenti le buone virtù e la morale e non insultarli" (A professor's job is to teach his students with good virtues & morals and not insult them) Alice voiced out and I hummed again and opened my eyes and look down at the man who shivered more under my cold gaze.
"And what you do professor ? You insulted my brother by mentioning by late mother's name. HOW DARE YOU ?!" I greeted out with clenched jaws and without a warning I wiped his arm with the hunter.
"AHHHH" He screamed but my ears went deaf to his scream and I started to beat him more with the hunter.
His screams echoed in the dark room and it only increased with every snap of the hunter on his bruised flesh.
I stopped after giving at least 20 of it and throw the hunter at the corner somewhere in the room. I breath heavily as I stared at the professor who was almost on the verge of fainting. Blood was ozing out of his body and fresh marks of the hunter were becoming more clearer.
"Here..have some water Babygirl. You must be thirsty." Alice said passing me a water bottle. I took it from her and took some sips before giving it back.
"È davvero brutto che tu l'abbia battuto. Sembra assolutamente un pezzo di merda" (Pretty bad you beat him. He is totally looking like a shit piece) Alice commented while looking at the man with disgust.
"He deserves it." I said then walked towards a wall and pressed a button and sliding noise echoed in the silent room.
"Fuck..it's gonna be fun." Alice stated excitedly.
A loud growl was heard and I smirked as I saw Enzo walking out from his chamber.
Enzo's eyes looked at me and he walked in my direction while staring at me with his golden eyes.
I bend down and he sat down as I rubbed behind his ear.
"Enzo, come stai? mi è mancata la tua mamma hmm" (How are you Enzo ? missed your mommy hmm) He growl back in response and snuggle more into my hands.
"So che l'hai fatto Enzo. Anche tu sei mancato alla mamma, tesoro" (I know you did Enzo. mommy missed you too baby) I cooed and stood up and walked where the bruised up professor was there.
He was barely able to open his tired eyes but once he heard the growl he opened his eyes and his eyes widen seeing who was beside me.
I smirked as I patted Enzo. Oh did I mentioned Enzo is my black panther.
I adopted Enzo when he was just 1 month old. I liked him alot in first glance and decided to have him as my pet. I had trained him with my own hands.
Enzo only follows my orders. He doesn't listen to anyone except me.
"Enzo tesoro, hai fame hm?" (Enzo baby are you hungry hm ?) I asked rubbing his head and he growl back in response.
"Oh you are..you didn't have your dinner right ?" I amused as I watched the man on the chair shaked in fear.
"Untie him." I said and Alice followed my words. The professor dropped from the chair but quivered and crawled back when Enzo growl at him.
I know my baby is really hungry. The whole room was reeking with the professor's blood and my baby was hungryly staring at his food with his dark golden eyes.
"Per favore, abbi pietà di me, signorina Chauhan. Prometto che non ti mostrerò la mia faccia." (Please have some mercy on me Miss.Chauhan. I promise that I will not show you my face) He begged while joining his shaky hands together.
I scoffed. "Avresti dovuto pensarci prima di insultare mio fratello ma, a parte mio fratello, non hai già messo fine alla tua vita matrimoniale" (You should have thought before insulting my brother but you didn't besides my brother already made your married life come to an end) I said coldly mocked.
"Nessuno riesce a scappare dopo aver insultato mio fratello e soprattutto mia madre" (No one gets away after insulting my brother & especially about my mother)
My eyes darkened.
"E osi puntare il dito sull'educazione di mia madre. come ti permetti stronzo !!" (And you dare to point your finger about my mother's upbringing. how dare you asshole !!)
He shaked his head while crying badly but I have no affect. I patted enzo's head before saying.
"Go ! Have you dinner Enzo."
And without a second Enzo jumped on his dinner and devour him brutally.
Loud screams echoed but soon it died too as Enzo teared his heart out.
I walked outside the room knowing Enzo will completely have his dinner before going back to his chamber.
My baby is obedient. I love him.
I walked out from the warehouse and leaned on my car's door. I took out a cigerette from my pants's pocket and lit the ciggerate from my lighter.
I blowed down the smoke from my lips & nose as I closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the car's top.
I heard footsteps coming close to me. Knowing it was Alice I didn't opened my eyes and continued to smoke.
"You okay..babygirl ?" Alice asked as she softly rubbed my shoulder.
I hummed. "What will happen to me ? I am totally fine Alice." I replied back.
"Non fingere. So che quando si tratta di tua madre sei tutt'altro che bene" (Don't pretend. I know when it comes to your mother you are everything but fine) Alice said sternly.
I opened my eyes and looked at her. "Non chiedermi allora se sai che non sono una bella stronza" (Don't ask then if you know I am not fine bitch) I said irritatedly.
"Okay chill.." Alice said while raising her hands in surrender. I rolled my eyes & stared up at the dark sky in Italy.
After a min of silence I spoked. "Come sta Amara? Non l'ho vista negli ultimi due giorni" (How is Amara ? I didn't see her for the last two days)
"Lei sta bene. È a New York proprio per la sua sfilata di moda" (She is fine. She is in New York right now for her Fashion show) Alice replied while taking the cigarette from my hands and smoke from it.
I just let her do that because it wasn't new for me. I hummed.
Amara Muretti, is a super model in Italy. Her ram walks are world famous. She is renowned for her work at such an young age too. I met her when she hired me as a lawyer. From that time, she stick to me I don't why ? She said she finds me cool. I mean I am but whatever she is now my best friend along with the girl beside me.
Alice Russo, I met her in College and are best friends from that time. Even though she approached me first and I just rejected her but she was just adamant like Amara to make me her friend and she succeed in it. She is a CEO for her own company.
Now, I don't think I can have any more friends. This bitches are enough for me. I have enough headache in my life and don't want anymore itself.
"When will Amara return ?" I asked still gazing at the night sky.
"Maybe after 2 weeks. Why do you ask ?" Alice asked.
"I am leaving for India in next week." I stated.
"Bambina... stai scherzando vero?" (Babygirl..you are joking right ?) Alice asked with a chuckle but stopped when I looked at her seriously, clearly showing I am damn grave.
Alice looked at me with her wide eyes and I looked away.
"Padre..called me this afternoon" (Father)
I was signing some papers when my phone started to ring. I glanced towards it but my eyes stopped at the I'd which was showing.
My Father was calling me which he rarely does.
I picked up the phone and after taking a deep breath I received the call and kept it near my ear.
"Hello..Padre." I greeted with monotone.
Like always I was greeted back with a cold hummed.
When was the last time he talked to me like a father talks to his daughter ?
I don't remember. Maybe when mumma was alive. I blinked my eyes when I heard my father's voice.
"I want you to come back"
Did I heard it right ? Or did I heard it wrong ?
"You heard me right." Padre stated in his cold voice.
"Return back to India" I heard my father's voice from the other side of the phone.
"Sure...padre" I replied back.
And the call ended without a take care not even a simple bye. Nothing new.
Flashback Ends
"Sei sicuro ? Vuoi andare ?" (Your sure ? You want to go ?) Alice asked with hesitation in her voice and I looked straight in her blue eyes.
"Ho aspettato questo momento negli ultimi 15 anni" (I have been waiting for these moment for the last 15 years) My voice held the seriousness.
I was fucking waiting from last 15 years that when my father will call me back and when he finally did how can I not be sure.
I desperately want to go back where I was born, where I held precious memories with my mumma.
"I know but--" I cut her off. "I am going that's it Alice." I declared.
Alice sighed knowing once I made my mind up then no one I mean no one can change my mind then.
"Va bene, se è quello che vuoi, allora provaci...neonata" (Fine if that's what you want then go for it..babygirl)
"Should I come with you ?" I shook my head as a 'no'
"No you can't and not even Amara. You both have your jobs to do here. You can't come with me. I don't know how long I am going to stay there." I stated.
"Amara si arrabbierà se partirai senza incontrarla prima di partire per..India" (Amara is going to be livid if you leave without meeting her before leaving for India) Alice voiced out as she flipped her blonde hair back.
She was right. Amara was going to throw a fit for that. But I can't wait for 2 weeks. I have to leave for Indian the coming week.
"Gestiscila per me, Alice. Non lasciare che venga a prendermi. Le parlerò durante la chiamata una volta che avrà finito la sua sfilata di moda. Non voglio che lasci la sfilata a metà solo per me" (Handle her for me Alice. Don't let her come for me. I will talk to her on call once she is done with her fashion show. I don't want her to leave her fashion show in middle just for me)
I have no doubt that Amara will leave her million dollars fashion show in a blink after knowing that I was leaving.
But I can't let her do that. She has already done that before when I once got seriously ill and she left her fashion show in the middle just to come for me & take care of me.
Alice was no better like Amara. She also left her important deal from Japan after knowing I need her.
This both bitches don't care how important work they are doing. They will come running to me without a second thought when I need them.
To say that, I am a lucky bitch to have these girls in my life.
"No, no, no. Non ho a che fare con una piagnucolosa Amara. Sai quanto è difficile gestirla quando piagnucola come una ragazzina maledetta" (No,No,No. I am not dealing with a whiny Amara. You know how hard it is to handle her when she whines like a freaking kid) Alice said but she was the one whinning right now making me roll my eyes at her.
Sometimes I still wonder that how she is even older than both me & Amara.
"You know she only listens to you properly. So please leave after she came." Alice voiced out but I shook my head as a 'no'
"I already decided that I leave next week. So am I. I can't wait for Amara. You have to handle her Alice. I don't know how will you deal with her but you have to. That's it." I said firmly.
Alice glared at me with her blue eyes but I have no affect. She looked like a puppy while glaring at me.
"Fine." She muttered and looked away while pouting after I just looked at her with my blank face.
"Bene" (Good) Saying this I sat inside my car.
"Where are you going ?" Alice asked shouting while sitting inside her car.
"Wanna race ? My treat." I said blocking my seatbelt.
"Fucking Yes !! babygirl." Alice shouted and we both boast our engine and roared away in the silent streets of the Italy.
"I am coming back..India." I thought as I increased the speed & winning the race and Alice ended up treating me with my fav food for dinner.
What are your thoughts ?
Anamika is going back to her county where she was born i.e India.
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