"I see so it's you---Mr.Rajvanshi." I greeted out his name as I stared at his attractive face.
The fuck he was that anonymous sender who is testing my patience. I should have guessed it already because 'Paradise Hotel' belongs to none other than Rajvanshi.
The Rajvanshi's owned a chain of hotels & hospitals in Rajasthan and 'Paradise Hotel' is one of them. I got to know when I did some searching on this hotel.
I am not that stupid to come to a place without knowing anything about that place and it was easy for me to search about this hotel after knowing how renowned this place is in Rajasthan.
"Hello Miss.Chauhan." He greeted me in his manly voice which I find fucking sexy everytime I heard.
"I am shocked that you aren't that surprised to see me or you are just that good at hiding your emotions behind your beautiful face hm." He said as he titled his head and look at me with his jet black eyes.
"Oh ! It's wasn't that hard to assume that it will be you Mr.Rajvanshi." I voiced out smoothly. He raised his one eyebrow so I continued.
"Now who does have that much power to close one of the best hotels like Paradise in Rajasthan just for a normal meeting hm." I stated as I pressed on meeting word.
I knew this meeting was anything except for a normal fucking meeting.
"I was right you are really an intelligent woman I had ever met or seen." He said and gazed so heavily that for a moment I saw a dark glint in his eyes making me wonder if his words have a hidden meaning behind them.
I removed my eyes from him and opened up my phone and kept it on the table that was between us.
"But I am astounded to see a man like you do such cheap tricks." I vocalized as I glanced at my phone than him who didn't care to remove his eyes from me.
"You left me no chance to meet you Miss.Chauhan." He calmly stated as he leaned back on his chair.
"So you decide to fucking blackmail me and force me to come here Mr.Rajavanshi." I said glaring at my phone where the photographs of me and the man who I hired to drop the chandelier on Rashmi showcased.
I don't know how he got those pics but knowing how influential man he is I knew he can get them.
But the question is why will he want them ? Just because he wanted to meet me ? If that's the case I am hella pissed at him.
"What's supposed to mean by sending me these photos ? Explain it." I demanded as I looked back at him in the eye.
"Take a seat Miss.Chauhan. It's lunch time now. Let's order something first."
He said totally ignoring my previous words. I clenched my jaws as I tried to control my burning fury.
"I am not fucking here to have a lunch with you Mr.Rajavanshi." I firmly said through greeted teeth.
What does he think of himself ? After sending me those photos which clearly can cause me trouble he is inviting me to have a lunch with him ?!
I ain't letting anyone ruin my plan. Not even him. That's it !
He chuckled. "It would be better if you first take a seat or else..." He trailed off and I snapped back. "So you are going to send these photos to my father ?!"
I knew he wouldn't because if he wanted he wouldn't call me here in the first place and I was correct when he said.
"I am trying to talk calmly with you Miss.Chauhan so do not test my patience and take a seat already." I glared at him and he just stared back at me blankly. Leaving a scoff I dumped my handbag on the table and settled myself opposite to him on the chair.
No man order me around cause I fucking don't allow them but here he is doing the exact opposite and I am letting him because he freaking has the upper hand here. I clenched my fist under the table.
But not for too long.
He pressed a small bell which was present on the table and the man who assisted me till the door came inside.
The man stood beside the table and said.
"Ji Hukum."
"Menu card." He voiced out and the man forwarded the menu card to him and got ready to note down his order with a small notebook in his hand. I moved my eyes away from them and looked towards the glass wall on my right side.
I thought about getting over this sometime but here I am sitting in front of this man. Where did I get stuck up ?! Ugh ! I looked back at him when he said.
"What would you like to have Miss.Chauhan ?" He said as his eyes fixed on the pages of the menu. I didn't say anything which made him look up at him and then I said.
"Nothing." I watched as his lips quivered a bit from the side.
He closed the menu card and gave it back to the manager and said. "One thali for me and for her....a glass of water."
The man nodded his head and walked away from us and out of the door leaving both of us alone.
"Considering you are blackmailing me how do you expect me to drink the water you ordered ?" I asked as I folded my arms over my breast.
He chuckled lightly before saying.
"Hm right but I am not that heartless to not offer water to such a gorgeous woman like you."
"So it is right to blackmail a gorgeous woman like me I see." I said back as my green fixed on his jet black eyes.
"Blackmail ? I don't remember asking you to bring money while coming here." He stated.
"Cause a billionaire tycoon like you don't need money." I stated the fact.
It was a simple fact. He doesn't need money but something else from me. But what ?
"You are right. I don't want money." He exclaimed nodding his head.
"Then what do you need Mr.Rajvanshi ?" I asked sternly.
I was running my mind, thinking about the possible things he wanted from me.
Important & confidential documents related to my father's company ?
Or hiring me as his lawyer to win any of his cases ?
I came out of my thoughts when he said. "You seem very eager to know what I wanted from you Miss.Chauhan."
"I am. I have other things to do other than sitting in front of you or talking to you." I coldly stated.
My woman is so blunt.
Soon-to-be women I remind myself.
She doesn't hesitate to state whatever she wants to say to the other person in front of her including me.
No one dares to speak to me like that the way she does and instead of getting angry on her I am fucking finding her more sexy.
Although in future it would be fun to shut her mouth with my co*k when she speaks to me rudely.
Control Aviraaj we are still far away from that stage. Even though I wish to get there soon.
How bad did I fall for her ? But in love ? I still don't know yet I know I am obsessed with her attitude, the way she carries herself like a queen, her fearless nature, her icy fury which cuts my dead heart brutally and makes it alive with the fire of obsession for her, only her.
Indeed I had fallen hard for her in a deadly obsession.
After I got to know that she was behind that chandelier accident on her soon-to-be stepmother my curiosity about her calm posture while the chaos that was going on in front of her eyes got cleared entirely.
I don't know what's the reason behind her doing that stunt on Rashmi. But it is crystal clear to me that she doesn't like Rashmi at all
Or I can say she hates Rashmi Jaiswal !
It doesn't need a genius to see how much my woman hates her soon-to-be step mother. If not she wouldn't try to kill Rashmi by hiring a man to make that huge chandelier fell down on Rashmi.
Thanks to Prithviraj Chauhan who saved his soon-to-be wife from his own daughter.
But my mind got stuck on her face that night when her plan failed. Her face was purely neutral. There was no hint of frustration or anger on her face when things didn't go according to her plan.
I wonder if she was that good to conceal her emotions from me yet again. The women opposite to me seems to bury deep secrets within her. She doesn't let anyone else read what is going inside her pretty little mind.
And that makes me more interested in her than I am already.
I want to read the darkness that her green eyes behold. I want to be the only man who is allowed to get lost in her dangerous yet beautiful darkness which she seems to carry in herself.
I want to know every dark secret that she hides from the prying eyes of others present in this world.
I will soon. That's for sure.
"Looks like you are so busy even though you just arrived in India a few days ago from Italy." As I completed my sentence her green eyes sharpened more than it was already.
"Yes I am so do not waste my time more and just say what you want from me ?" She said with her usual neutral face.
I wonder if she is going to be this calm after I reveal the reason for calling her here.
Let's see how long she can control her damn calmness in front of me.
This sexy yet annoying man in front of me is testing so much of my damn patient.
Giuro che se perdo la pazienza gli farò affrontare delle conseguenze che gli causeranno grossi problemi.
(I swear if I run out of my patience I will make him face the consequences that will cause him great problems)
As I waited for him to answer my question he didn't say anything and just continued to stare at me with his jet black eyes.
Does he have a death wish or what ?
I thought as I clenched my fist under the table hardly and my manicured & pointed nails dug into my palm.
The third time I asked him and if he didn't answer me I am going to walk out. I don't fucking care then to whom he freaking send these photos too.
I will deal with that trouble in my way then swear to myself to cause him double trouble to deal with it.
But before I could open my mouth the large door behind him opened up and the man who took his order came inside along with one more man who was pushing a trolley.
Both of them came beside the table and the waiter who was pushing the trolley kept the Rajasthani style thali in front of him and a glass of water for both of us on the table then walked away with the manager that is out of the room and once again leaving us alone to face each other.
He started to mix the rice and dal with each other along with different types of sabji that were nicely presented in the thali. He took first morsal to his lips but instead of eating it he quickly chanted a prayer and then ate that morsal.
Like these he began to eat his food and meanwhile me was sitting in front of him. I grunt out a deep sigh as my patience is on charam seema.
(Extreme limits)
I didn't sign up to sit and see him while he was eating food after blackmailing me.
"The food is delicious. You are making a mistake by depriving it Miss.Chauham." Suddenly he said as he continued to eat the food morsal.
"Yeah I did but by not eating the food but definitely by coming here to meet you." As I said, he looked up but continued to eat his damn food.
"I am glad you made the mistake."
The audacity of this man ! I clenched my jaw and the bastard smirked slightly as he looked back down to his food. I looked away from him and my eyes fell on the glass vase on the table where a beautiful red rose was kept in it.
Rose-my mumma's favourite flower. My mumma used to love roses so much. I remember how she used to decorate the whole Chauhan Mansion & garden with every flower but when it comes to roses she used to adore them in her bedroom, my bedroom & whole house without a fail with her own hands.
My 7 year old was running in the Chauhan Mansion in search of her dear mother. Myself stopped running and pouted as she thought where could her mumma be ?
Suddenly my little mind clicked it and with a smile she ran towards the backside garden of Chauhan Mansion and there she found her mother who was watering her favourite flowers-red roses.
"MUMMA." My little self called out as she hugged her mother's waist from behind with her little arms.
Natasha-my mother smiled warmly hearing her daughter's voice.
"Mumma I was finding you everywhere in the house and you are here again watering your favourite flowers." My 7 year old self said while pouting her little lips.
Mumma laughed as she kept down the soaker hose which she was using to water her flowers. She turned around and kneeled down in front of me as she asked.
"You know right my roses are thirsty so how can I not give them water hm." My Little self nodded her head and said. "Yes they need water so that it can grow more beautiful--just like me."
My mumma laughed lovingly hearing her daughter's words and pulled my bubbly cheeks softly.
"Absolutely right my sweet Anna."
Mumma then again took hold of the water hose and started watering the remaining flowers. My 7 year old self wrapped her tiny arms around her mother's neck as she asked.
"Mumma why do you love roses so much ?" Mumma smiled before answering me.
"From childhood, I just love red roses. I can adore roses for hours. I truly love how it grows beautifully & strongly."
Keeping the water hose down mumma picked out a rose and I unwrapped my arms around her neck as she turned towards me.
"Look Anna how pretty this rose is, isn't it ?" Mumma asked as she showed me the red rose. My little self nodded her head and replied. "Yes mumma it's so pretty."
"Now look down. You see these thorns." Mumma said as she pointed her finger towards the thorns. I nodded again.
"Mumma why roses need these thorns ? I don't like them. It hurts your fingers when you pick them out." My 7 years old self said while pouting. Mumma smiled in return before saying.
"Because roses need to protect themselves from anyone who want to harm them Anna." I frowned and asked. "But mumma who will harm them ? They are so beautiful."
"Yes because they are beautiful a lot of insects try to harm them. Remember this Anna--beautiful things attracts a lot and then they will be insects who want to eat them too." Mumma said and I nodded back.
"And that's why roses needs thorns so they can protect themselves." Mumma concluded and I smiled back while nodding my head.
"The same goes in life too Anna. They will be people who will try to hurt you but instead of crying you should fight them back just like a rose."
"But mumma I don't have thorns." As my little self said that mumma laughed heartily and pecked my cheek lovingly before saying.
"Oh my innocent Anna. You don't need thorns instead you become like a thorn when someone try to hurt you or your closed ones okay ?" Mumma said while caressing my hair and I nodded back.
"Yes mumma I will. I will become like a thorn and punish those who harm my family." Saying this I pecked my mother's cheek who smiled softly.
"I want you to become just like a rose Anamika. Both beautiful & strong." My little self ears perked up hearing that from her mother who smiled gently towards me.
"Promise me you will become just like a red rose when you grow up hm." Mumma said and forwarded her palm towards me and my 7 years old self grabbed her palm tightly before saying.
"Promise mumma. I will become like a red rose when I grow up."
Flashback Ends
Look mumma your Anna completed her promise. I just became like a red rose--both beautiful & strong.
But mumma you are not here to see your Anna just bloom like a red rose. You are not here to see how your Anna had bloomed into the red rose which you used to love & adore so much.
You left me before I can complete my promise to you..mumma. Why ?
I was almost done with my lunch and truth to be said, I never enjoyed eating lunch this much and the reason is the women sitting opposite to me.
Knowing her gorgeous green eyes are on me even though they are glaring at me with icy fire in it I still fucking enjoyed that were fixed only on me while I am having my lunch.
Her daring stare always amused me. There are people who don't glance in my direction due to the fear I instill in them and there is--this woman who fearlessly glare at me in the eye.
And that's a fucking turn on for me.
Control Aviraaj ! I remind myself but that's the hardest thing to do for me.
When she is around me, my power over control seems to be on the last limit. It feels that the control shit tries to run away from me every time my eyes fell on her captivating presence.
I just feel to fuck that control and pull her towards me so close that no air can pass through between us. I want to cross all that boundaries between us.
And soon I will and for that I have to fucking control myself now.
Suddenly I stopped feeling her stares over me so I looked up only to find her staring at the red rose instead that was in the vase which was kept between us on the table.
Her green eyes were fixed on the rose and she seems to...lost herself somewhere ?
I observed her as she stared at that rose so deeply without blinking her eyes. Her face was neutral like always making it hard for me to decide if the red rose made her lost in the memories that were either good or bad in her mindset.
Wiping my lips from the tissue. I rang the small bell and then she blinked her eyes seemingly to come out from her daze.
I watched as she looked away from the flower and looked at my empty plate then finally at me in the eye.
A waiter came inside and took my plate away with him and when we were left alone she spoke up.
"Finally you are done with your lunch Mr.Rajvanshi. So kindly do not waste more of my precious time and say what.you.want.from.me ?" She said pressing the last few words, gravely.
Even though it's fun to test her damn patience level I think I should now speak the real reason for which I called her here or blackmailed her to come here like she says.
After all it's an important thing to both of us and our upcoming future.
I watched as he kept a file on the table and slides it to me. Without touching the file I asked directly to him.
"What's this now ?"
"Open it and you will know." Comes his reply. Keeping my eyes on him I took the red file in hold of my hands and opened it.
But as I saw the first page inside the file my whole form got rigid. My eyes read the words written in bold letters at the top middle of the page.
Is he fucking kidding with me ? I thought but again the man opposite to me proved me wrong by saying.
"You asked me what I wanted from you Miss.Chauhan." He stated in his manly voice and the next words from his lips made my entire body freezed.
"Marry Me."
Hey yo so this was the Chapter 11. Hope you enjoyed it.
In this chapter, I mentioned a red rose--a flower which knew how to bloom both beautifully & strongly. Just like that my girls outside be like a rose both pretty & brave in real life.
Note this, anything related to her mother holds a important place in Anamika's life. Doesn't matter if it is a living or non-living things.
Aviraaj has put front what he wanted from Anamika. Let's see how Anamika is going to react to this further or what she is going to do after it.
To know keep reading my book and shower your love on it.
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